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Block Properties

Builders need the following data:

FieldWhere it comes fromNotes
feeRecipientvalidator (builder_registerValidator)
gasLimitvalidator (builder_registerValidator)
timestamprelay (BN)value for the timestamp field of the new payload
prevRandaorelay (BN)from previous slot
extraDatabuildergraffiti from builder, not proposer

Semi-related conversations:


  • mev-boost will regularly resend validator registrations, in case a relay or builder comes online just after a previous registration was sent out and missed that.
  • mev-boost needs to query all the relays for headers in parallel
  • relays need to have started the build process already and immediately return the best header they have

validator-index vs pubkey

validator index will in the future be reused (see also comment by alexstokes). If index is used in the registerValidator call, the builder will need to look up the pubkey before block construction.